The Remote
BIG Talk
A live, interactive workshop for boys and their caregivers about the basics of puberty and reproduction

Dr. Miller has presented in-person for boys and caregivers at the following San Diego institutions:

Talking With Pre-Teens and Teens About Sex
A vast majority of parents have long supported comprehensive, medically-accurate sexual health education for their children. And yet, despite this widespread public support, only 20 states mandate sexual health education within the school systems. This often leaves the sole burden of this crucial part of children’s education to caregivers, who may not have the comfort, skill set, or range of knowledge to teach their developing children.
The Remote BIG Talk aims to support parents in this journey by providing a positive sexual health education “launching point” for caregivers and their sons. It helps them have a common language together in their conversations moving forward. It helps educate boys about the basics of puberty and reproduction. And, it helps caregivers and sons feel more comfortable in talking about the wide range of topics associated with human sexuality, so they can then have ongoing talks throughout their development.

Welcome to the Remote BIG Talk
The Remote BIG Talk is an interactive, 2.5-hour online workshop for 4th-6th grade boys and their caregivers that provides foundational, medically-accurate information on the basics of puberty and reproduction. The content of the online workshop is identical to the in-person BIG Talks conducted all across the San Diego area by Dr. Miller.
Topics and learning goals include:
- defining puberty and understanding its purpose and process;
- learning the physical, social, and emotional changes that accompany puberty and how to best manage them;
- understanding reproductive anatomy and the science behind reproduction;
- learning about pre-natal development and childbirth; and
- understanding the similarities and differences between biological boys’ and biological girls’ puberty experiences.
The Remote BIG Talk
The Next Event Starts in:
The Remote BIG Talk (May 31st, 2025)
9am PST
Not sure yet? Register for the free, 45-minute pre-event workshop with Dr. Miller via Zoom. Click here to register.
The BIG Talk programs have educated and supported over 4000 boys and their caregivers.
FREE WEBINAR | May 17, 2025 09:00 AM PST
Getting Ready for
The BIG Talk
This 45-minute, no-obligation free pre-event is a caregiver-only meeting designed to answer any questions about the Remote BIG Talk. Dr. Miller will also review program content and offer caregivers helpful strategies that allow for initiating and continuing healthy talks with their sons about puberty, sex/reproduction, and their own and others’ changing bodies. This event will be held approximately 3-4 weeks prior to the scheduled Remote BIG Talk. Click below to register for this unique opportunity to consult with Dr. Miller before the Remote BIG Talk, and a Zoom link will be emailed to you.
How it Works:

Step 1
Register for the next Remote BIG Talk by clicking the button below. Not sure about registering? Then register for the free, 45-minute pre-event workshop with Dr. Miller, where he will review program content, provide helpful strategies for talking with your sons about puberty/reproduction, and answer questions.

Step 2
Look for two follow-up emails once you register: one providing you with the secure Zoom link to the event and the other from Dr. Miller providing you with handouts and instructions for the day of the event.

Step 3
On the date and time of the event, log on with your son from a quiet, comfortable, private location in your home with handouts and materials at the ready.
The Remote BIG Talk
The Next Event Starts in:
The Remote BIG Talk (May 31st, 2025)
9am PST
Not sure yet? Register for the free, 45-minute pre-event workshop with Dr. Miller via Zoom. Click here to register.
About the Facilitator
Dr. Christopher Miller has over 25 years of experience as a clinical psychologist and is the Founder and Director of BIG and the developer of The BIG Talk. He has educated thousands of boys and their caregivers about puberty and reproduction in both school and private settings. His primary role in conducting BIG Talks is to facilitate healthy and open communication between caregivers and sons about this important aspect of life. Dr. Miller provides medically-accurate facts for boys to learn but also emphasizes the importance of caregivers infusing these facts with their own personal values and perspectives. Learning the information is the first step for the boys, but they also need to know how to eventually make sex a safe, healthy, and sacred part of their lives. They will better accomplish this by having ongoing conversations with their caregivers throughout their youth, adolescence, and young adulthood, and Dr. Miller’s BIG Talk serves as a helpful launching point.

Frequently Asked Questions
How often will Remote BIG Talks occur?
How often will Remote BIG Talks occur?
When will they usually occur?
Remote BIG Talks will always take place on weekends for the convenience of most families. The time of day for the talks will take into account the different time zones in which families reside and will be as convenient as possible for all participating families.
How do I get started?
Click the button on this page to register for the initial, free workshop to see if The Remote BIG Talk fits for you and your son.
What exactly is covered in the first free workshop?
This pre-BIG Talk event gives Dr. Miller the opportunity to review content and answer any and all caregiver questions about the program. This will give parents/caregivers the chance to see if the Remote BIG Talk meets their needs. Dr. Miller will also introduce some basic do’s and don’ts regarding talking to your children about a range of topics related to puberty, sex, and reproduction. This pre-event lasts 45 minutes.
You are not obligated to register for the Remote BIG Talk before you attend this free workshop. You may sign up for the free workshop and then after , you can decide if the Remote BIG Talk is for you and your son.
Is there a content outline for the free workshop?
Click here for a content outline of this free pre-event workshop.
How long is the Remote BIG Talk?
Where in my home should I be during the Remote BIG Talk?
What if a caregiver can’t attend? Can my son attend alone?
Unfortunately not. The Remote BIG Talk is designed to have both caregiver and son attend together, not individually.
What if I register my family, but we then cannot attend?
Will we have to have our video and audio on during the presentation?
Will we have the opportunity to ask questions during the talk?
As an adult, can I attend the Remote BIG Talk without my child?
What do I need to have ready in preparation for the Remote BIG Talk?
What exactly is covered in the free follow-up workshop?
A Zoom link for the free follow-up event will be emailed to caregivers after the Remote BIG Talk is completed.
Click here for a content outline of this free post-event workshop.
What if I can’t attend the free follow-up workshop? Can I still contact Dr. Miller directly with any questions?
What does the Remote BIG Talk cost?
How do I pay?
There are several ways to pay:
- Pay through credit card via Stripe. You will receive a link to the BIG Stripe payment page via email once you register for the Remote BIG Talk;
- Send payment through Zelle (account number: 8584149332); or
- Send a check made payable to “BIG” to 11300 Sorrento Valley Road (#106), San Diego, CA 92121
What if I can’t afford the regular fee? Is there a sliding scale?
Ready to Get Started?
Register Today to Save Your Seat.
Please note a few reminders before you register:
- Your son must have at least one parent/caregiver present to participate. If possible, having both caregivers present is ideal.
- This is an online format via Zoom, so participation will require a laptop, desktop computer, cell phone, or tablet that has an internet connection.
- Since this is a live workshop, your family must be able to attend on the date/time you select. There will not be any recording or playback of the Remote BIG Talk.
Please complete the fields below and submit your registration form.